Western Australia Gymnastics



Go for 2&5HealthwayGymnastics Australia

GWA Fliers Venueswest- HBF Stadium


City of Vincent BHP Billiton Wood Bros MazdaWest Australian Sport Federation Department of Sport & Recreation

Southern Regional Gymnastics AssociationNorth West Regional Association Lotterywest

Gymnastics WA website: http://www.gymnasticswa.asn.au/



Gymnastics e Newsletter | 2016 Australian Gymnastics Championships

Gymnastics WA e Newsletter |  2016 Australian Gymnastics Championships
Date Event
11- 12 JUNE  Go for 2&5 WAG Winter Foundation Festival
 25-26 JUNE  WAG Junior Judges Invitational

Click here for all 2016 State Events 
Date   Closing Date
18 JUNE   TUM ADV Coaching Course 6 JUNE
25 JUNE  ACR BEG Judging Course 6 JUNE
19 JUNE  BEG Coaching Course 6 JUNE
26 JUNE   TRP INT Coaching Course 13 JUNE
3 JULY   RG Beg Judging Course 13 JUNE

Click here for all 2016 Coaching and Judging Courses
2016 Australian Gymnastics Championships
Gymnastics WA wishes the best of luck to all WA Athletes competing over the Championships. For photos, videos and updates check out the GWA Social Media Channels. 

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Gymnastics WA Australian Sport Foundation Campaign- AER Floor
Gymnastics WA is currently campaigning to raise funds for an Aerobics Floor via on-line tax-deductible donations through the Australian Sport Foundation (ASF).

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GfA Education Day- Last chance!
Need updating for you coaching accreditation? We have some fantastic workshops planned, presented by GfA Interstate presenter Bernie Spedding:
  • How to inspire your casual coaches (for Head coaches, Club administrators, and Supervisors of casual coaches)
  • 101 Ways to use equipment
  • Team Gym workshop
Registrations close on 7th June be sure send yours in now! 

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Mentor or Supervisor...What's the difference?
Do you know the difference between a Supervisor and a Mentor? This article explains the difference between the two and provided links to appropriate resources. 

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Inclusion Grants
Growing inclusive programs in your club is a great way to engage with your local community, develop your coaches and build your membership base! The GWA Inclusion Grants are now available for all GWA Clubs.

For the Grant Guidelines and Application Form 
click here.  
Have you Registered for Sporting Schools?
Gymnastics is the second most requested program for Sporting Schools across Australia with over 500 programs requested in Term 2 alone. Unfortunately not every school is able to find a coach to deliver gymnastics in their school and this is why we need you!

If you are a club administrator or a coach and would like to be involved in the program please contact Emily Johnston,
Upcoming Education Courses
TUM ADV Coaching Course 18th June (Closing 6th June)
BEG Coaching Course 19th June (Closing 6th June)
ACR BEG Judging Course 25th June (Closing 6th June)
TRP INT Coaching Course 26th June (Closing 13th June)
RG Beg Judging Course 3rd July (Closing 13th June)

+ More Information
+ Register for Coaching Courses here
+ Register for Judging Courses here
Try GymAbility for FREE
GWA Floor Managers Course
Gymnastics WA will be holding a free course for volunteers to gain the knowledge and skills required to be a Floor Manager at GWA events. This presents clubs with another fantastic opportunity to engage with parents and other club volunteers who wish to help out. Clubs are encouraged to send participants to this course as it will help increase your pool of volunteers to help when assigned roles at GWA events. 

When: Tuesday 14th June
Time: 6:45pm- 8:45pm
Where: State Gymnastics Centre, 99 Loftus St, Leederville
How: To enter just fill o
ut this form and send toinfo@gymnasticswa.asn.au
Cost: FREE
High Performance Grants
High Performance (HP) Grant application timelines are drawing to a close for 2015/2016. Applications must have their HP activity and acquittal completed by 30th June 2016.

Do not delay in applying for a GWA HP Grant.

Contact gymsports@gymnasticswa.asn.au for more information

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Wanting to build your clubs workforce?
Be sure to have a look at the GWA Workforce Development grants which offer a unique opportunity for members to develop the capacity of their workforce through targeted education and training opportunities and special projects. 

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Around the Clubs
Does your club have any exciting news, events or employment opportunities occurring that it would like to share?

Email info@gymnasticswa.asn.au for more information

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