Queensland Gymnastics

Gymnastics Queensland Latest News



GQ Latest News - March 14 2014



New Privacy Laws Effective 12th March 2014
Privacy Law Reform - An overview by Mullins Lawyers. How does it effect your club!
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Technical Membership - Tips for Renewal
Please look at the following tips when it comes to renewing your Technical Membership with Gymnastics Australia.
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MAG & WAG Senior State Championships
Event Entry & Schedule Information available now! Please follow the links for further information.
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ACRO Senior State Championships
Event Entry and Schedule Information Available now! Please follow the links for further information.
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Thaias Grand Prix Rhythmic Event
MBC's Danielle Prince and RG Senior Group compete in the Thaias Grand Prix Event.
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Zoe Ormrod Improved her AA Score
Zoe Ormrod competed in the Rhythmic Gymnastics Nordic Championships9-10 March in Helsinki, Finland.
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KUKRI Introductory Offer to all Qld Clubs
Gymnastics Queensland's new uniform supplier KUKRI is offering all Queensland clubs a 20% discount off purchases made prior to 31st March 2014. Contact Chris Cole - Sales Manager on 3871 2551 or emailchris.cole@kukrisports.com Today to Save!!
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Showcasing our Partners
Gymnastics Queensland is proud to work with our partners in 2014: Queensland Government Departments - Sport & Recreation Qld, Qld Academy of Sport, Janssen Fritsen - Amco Gymnastics, Grinners Trophies, Mr Rental, GK Elite Sportswear & Kukri
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